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At The Willows Group, we are a family-owned sourcing and distribution specialist, dedicated to supplying high-quality raw ingredients to the human health and nutrition, food and beverage, sports nutrition, and animal health sectors. Our group comprises two strong brands Willows Ingredients Ltd, our well-established European arm, and Main Line Food (Shanghai) Ltd, our wholly-owned Chinese sister company. This partnership allows us to offer a truly global reach with deep local expertise.
We established our business in 2007 and have built it since through both reputation and experience.
We represent some of the highest quality manufacturers in the world both large and small.
Our full range of dietary supplements includes amino acids, joint care products, vitamins, botanicals, and ergogenic aids. Find out more
“Let your food be medicine” – Hippocrates.
Our range of ingredients for ingestible beauty includes collagen, vitamins, minerals and botanicals.
We specialise in Sports Nutritional Ingredients including vitamins, amino acids, and ergogenic acids. Find out more
Our latest additions to our supply portfolio include Black Soldier Fly larvae and Cricket Protein. Find out more