The Willows Group (Willows Ingredients and Main Line Food (Shanghai) Ltd, has a mission to nourish a growing population in a sustainable way – and we are on a learning curve around the innovations, technologies, and systems that are being developed to help us achieve our objective.
Sustainability is not just a word – to us it is working to ensure fairness for everyone, a fairer world for nature, and a world where people have their needs met and to embed these processes into our business model at every opportunity.
The Willows Group is delighted to be working with the sustainability teams at GreentechHQ and ENSO | B Corp™ to help us build out and implement our sustainability strategy. We are deeply committed to sustainability in our business practices and its positive impact on our customers our business, and ultimately the environment in which we all thrive.
Having GreentechHQ as our sustainability partners deepens our commitment to implementing our sustainable development goals (SDGs) and achieving measurable results.
Our commitment is to provide you with the ingredients you need for your business, that will nourish a growing population while minimising our impact on the planet.
Modern slavery and human trafficking often remain hidden in plain sight in our global societies. We all have a responsibility to be alert to the risks, however small, in our business and the wider supply chain, and we are committed to ensuring that modern day slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.
Our full range of dietary supplements includes amino acids, joint care products, vitamins, botanicals, and ergogenic aids. Find out more
“Let your food be medicine” – Hippocrates.
Our range of ingredients for ingestible beauty includes collagen, vitamins, minerals and botanicals.
We specialise in Sports Nutritional Ingredients including vitamins, amino acids, and ergogenic acids. Find out more
Our latest additions to our supply portfolio include Black Soldier Fly larvae and Cricket Protein. Find out more